Navigating the Transition from Hobby to Business in Hosted Accommodations

I’ve worked alongside and with many people who have treated their hobby like a business and their business like hobby.

Turning a beloved hobby into a full-fledged business can be a dream come true for many hosted accommodation owners. What starts as a passion project, born out of love for hospitality and creating memorable experiences for guests, can quickly evolve into a flourishing enterprise.

However, this transition comes with its own set of challenges. In this blog post, we'll explore the journey from hobby to business in the world of hosted accommodation and highlight key considerations for business owners.

1. Passion to Profit

Enjoyment vs. Responsibilities

Initially, running a hosted accommodation might feel like a great hobby. The joy of meeting new people, designing special spaces, and curating unique experiences can be immensely rewarding. However, as the business grows, so do the responsibilities.

2. The Business Mindset

Shift in Priorities

To successfully transition from hobbyist to business owner, a shift in mindset is crucial. While passion remains at the core, focusing on profitability, scalability, and sustainable growth becomes paramount. This may involve adopting a more strategic approach to decision-making.

As soon as you start taking money, you’re in business!

3. Legalities and Regulations

Understanding Compliance

As a hobby, you may not have been concerned about certain legalities. However, running a business brings a new set of rules and regulations, including permits, licenses, and compliance with hospitality laws. Ignorance in this area can lead to unexpected challenges.

4. Financial Management

From Pocket Money to Revenue

Managing finances is often a significant shift. What was once a side income or pocket money from a hobby can now become a primary source of revenue. Business owners should develop a robust financial plan, including budgeting, pricing strategies, and accounting practices.

5. Scaling Operations

Balancing Growth

With success comes the desire to expand. Business owners must carefully consider the implications of scaling their operations. This includes hiring additional staff, upgrading facilities, and ensuring a seamless guest experience even with increased demand.

6. Marketing and Branding

Elevating the Brand

Transitioning from a hobbyist to a business owner involves more deliberate marketing efforts. Establishing a strong brand, implementing effective marketing strategies, and maintaining a positive online presence become essential for attracting and retaining guests.

7. Customer Service Challenges

Meeting Expectations

As the business grows, so do guest expectations. Maintaining the personal touch that characterised the hobby while meeting the standards of a professional business can be challenging. Striking the right balance is crucial for guest satisfaction.

8. Work-Life Balance

Avoiding Burnout

What used to be a leisurely pursuit can turn into a demanding venture. Business owners must be mindful of maintaining a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout. Delegating tasks, setting boundaries, and taking breaks become integral to sustaining long-term success.


Transitioning from a hobby to a business in the hosted accommodation industry is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and success. One of the major challenges in my view is the recognition that you are indeed running a business.

By embracing the challenges and proactively addressing key considerations such as legalities, financial management, and customer service, business owners can transform their passion into a thriving enterprise. Finding the delicate balance between maintaining the essence of the hobby and embracing the responsibilities of a business is the key to a fulfilling and sustainable journey.

To ensure that you have the checks and balances in place, I have created 17 usable templates that can be used in your business.  Keep it simple and seamless for yourself by participating in the Hosting Hero Blueprint.