Haunted Bed and Breakfasts (B&Bs) have gained popularity in recent years, attracting both thrill-seekers and curious travellers. These unique accommodation places promise an eerie experience where guests might encounter the supernatural during their stay. But are these ghostly encounters genuine, or is it all just clever marketing?

I’ve recently been talking to Hosters about niche marketing. This is a very unique niche to be sure.  But google it… they’re there!  In this blog, we'll delve into the world of haunted B&Bs to explore the fine line between genuine paranormal experiences and the power of clever marketing.

1. The Allure of Haunted Accommodation

Haunted B&Bs offer a captivating allure that appeals to various audiences:

a. Thrill-Seekers

People with an interest in the paranormal are drawn to the idea of experiencing a ghostly encounter.

b. History Enthusiasts

Many haunted B&Bs are housed in historic properties with fascinating stories, adding an extra layer of appeal.

c. Unique Getaways

These accommodations offer a memorable experience, making them attractive for those seeking something out of the ordinary.

2. The Power of Clever Marketing

While some haunted B&Bs may indeed be genuinely haunted, many leverage clever marketing strategies to create an enticing experience. Here's how they do it:

a. Storytelling

These establishments often weave captivating narratives about their haunted histories, making guests eager to experience the stories themselves.

b. Atmosphere

Creating a spooky atmosphere through décor and lighting sets the stage for guests to immerse themselves in the experience.

c. Themed Events

Many haunted B&Bs host special events, such as ghost tours, séances, and paranormal investigations, enhancing the overall experience.  Certainly an opportunity for any niche market.

3. Fostering the Belief in the Supernatural

Haunted B&Bs often play on people's belief in the supernatural by:

a. Sharing Guest Experiences

Some establishments encourage guests to share their ghostly encounters, creating a sense of community among believers.

b. Utilising Technology

High-tech gadgets, such as electromagnetic field detectors and night vision cameras, are employed to give the illusion of ghostly activity.

c. Engaging Staff

Some employees may claim to have experienced paranormal events, further fuelling guests' beliefs.

4. Balancing Reality and Fantasy

Haunted B&Bs face a delicate balance between providing a fun and memorable experience while remaining transparent about the authenticity of the encounters. Here are some considerations:

a. Honesty

Some establishments openly admit that their claims of being haunted are primarily for entertainment, fostering a sense of trust among guests.

b. Customer Expectations

Managing guests' expectations and ensuring they understand the distinction between reality and marketing is essential to maintaining a positive reputation.

c. Guest Reviews

Encouraging honest reviews can help provide an accurate picture of the experiences at the haunted B&B.

5. Ethical Considerations

Maintaining ethical standards is crucial for haunted hosted accommodation:

a. Consent

Guests should always be aware of the nature of the accommodation and what to expect, ensuring they willingly choose to stay.

b. Safety

Safety measures should be in place to prevent any harm to guests, whether paranormal or otherwise.

c. Respect for History

Preserving the historical and cultural significance of the property is essential, even while marketing its haunted reputation.


Haunted B&Bs and other types of hosted accommodation, have successfully blended the worlds of the supernatural and clever marketing to provide guests with unique and memorable experiences. While not all encounters may be genuinely ghostly, the power of storytelling and creating a captivating atmosphere cannot be denied.

The success of these accommodation types depends on maintaining a balance between providing a thrilling experience and being transparent with guests. Whether you're a believer in the supernatural or simply seeking an unforgettable getaway, haunted B&Bs continue to capture the imagination and curiosity of travellers around the world.

So, the next time you check into a haunted B&B, ask yourself: are you in for ghostly encounters, clever marketing, or a little of both?

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