The Pros and Cons of a Big Ego in Small Business

In the world of small business, hosting business owners are known for their passion, drive, and ambition. These qualities often contribute to the success of their ventures.

However, there is one trait that can have both positive and negative consequences—an hosting business owner's ego. Geez, I think I’m writing this blog for myself!

In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of a big ego in small business and shed light on the pitfalls of prioritising ego-driven decisions over the betterment of your business.

The Upside of Confidence

Having a healthy level of confidence is crucial for any hosting business owner. A big ego can give you the self-assurance needed to take risks, make bold decisions, and navigate challenges with resilience. Confidence can inspire others and attract investors, partners, and customers. It serves as a driving force, motivating you to push boundaries and pursue ambitious goals.

With me, I have also been blessed with a huge amount of optimism. I mean, how hard can it be!  That’s what got me off the ground with Sunlover Retreat.

The Power of Vision

A big ego often accompanies a strong vision. Hosting business owners with a robust sense of self-belief can inspire others to rally behind their ideas. Your unwavering conviction can fuel the determination needed to overcome obstacles and drive your small business towards success. A clear and confident vision can be a powerful tool for attracting talent and resources to help you turn your dreams into reality.

Mistaken Moves and Tunnel Vision

However, there are downsides to having a big ego, especially when it comes to decision-making. Making choices solely to stroke your ego can be detrimental to the long-term health and growth of your small business. When you prioritise personal gratification over strategic thinking, you run the risk of losing sight of the bigger picture. This tunnel vision can blind you to opportunities, stifle innovation, and hinder your ability to adapt to changing market dynamics.

In our hosting world I can think of a few mistaken moves:

1. Neglecting customer service: Failing to prioritise excellent customer service can lead to negative reviews and dissatisfied guests. Poor communication and a lack of attention to guest needs can harm the reputation of the business.

 2. Ignoring maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance can result in deteriorating property conditions. This includes not addressing repairs promptly and disregarding the overall upkeep of the property.

3. Inadequate marketing and promotion: Failing to invest in effective marketing and promotion can limit the visibility of the business. Poor online presence, lack of a compelling website, and insufficient advertising can hinder attracting new guests and reduce bookings.

4. Inconsistent pricing strategies: Not implementing a consistent and competitive pricing strategy can lead to lost revenue and potential guests seeking alternatives. Frequent price fluctuations, excessive rates during peak seasons, or undercharging during busy periods can affect profitability.

5. Overbooking and mismanaging reservations: Mismanaging reservations can result in double bookings, guest dissatisfaction, and potential revenue loss. Failing to keep accurate availability records and not having a reliable reservation system in place can lead to operational inefficiencies.

6. Neglecting online reputation management: Ignoring online reviews and feedback can damage the reputation of the business. Failing to respond promptly and professionally to guest reviews, whether positive or negative, can deter potential guests and hinder customer loyalty.

7. Not adapting to guest preferences and needs: Neglecting to adapt to changing guest preferences and needs can result in a decline in bookings. Failing to offer amenities and services that are in demand, not catering to dietary requirements, or not addressing specific guest requests can lead to dissatisfied customers.

8. Poor financial management: Inadequate financial management practices can lead to financial instability and hinder business growth. This includes not tracking expenses and revenue accurately, failing to budget effectively, and not investing in necessary upgrades and improvements.

9. Lack of long-term planning: Failing to have a clear long-term vision for the business can result in missed opportunities and stagnant growth. Neglecting to identify trends, not anticipating changes in the market, and lacking a strategic plan can hinder the success of the business.

Ignoring Feedback and Collaboration

A big ego can make it difficult to listen to feedback and collaborate effectively. By assuming that you have all the answers, you may dismiss valuable insights and perspectives from employees, partners, and customers. Collaboration fosters creativity, innovation, and resilience in the face of challenges. Ignoring these collaborative opportunities due to an inflated ego can limit your business's growth potential and hinder your ability to make informed decisions.

Misaligned Priorities and Impulsive Moves

The desire to feed your ego can lead to misaligned priorities. Instead of focusing on what truly benefits your small business, you may make decisions that only serve to boost your personal reputation or ego. This can result in wasted time, resources, and opportunities. It's crucial to regularly assess whether your decisions are driven by the betterment of your business or merely by the desire for personal validation.

Balancing Ego and Humility

To achieve sustainable success, finding a balance between ego and humility is vital. While confidence and self-belief are essential, humility allows you to acknowledge your limitations, seek feedback, and learn from others. Embracing a humble mindset encourages collaboration, fosters a learning culture within your business, and enables you to make decisions that prioritize the long-term success of your small business over personal ego-stroking.


A big ego can be a double-edged sword in the world of small business. While confidence and a strong vision are valuable assets, it is important to be mindful of the negative consequences that ego-driven decisions can have on your business. By maintaining a balance between ego and humility, you can make strategic choices, foster collaboration, and prioritize the growth and betterment of your small business. Remember, true success lies not in the size of your ego, but in the positive impact you create within your industry and community.